I was going to start this off by telling you I had a confession but then I thought about what the definition of confession is and realized that wasn't the right word to use. The word confession if you look it up in the dictionary has a very negative connotation something to almost be ashamed of. I however am not ashamed of what I have to say even though more than a few people have told me I should be.
I love the Backstreet Boys. I mean LOVE not like or like a lot but all out love with all my little fan girl heart. I found them when I was 14 and here I am sixteen years later and I still cannot get enough of these guys. When I was 14 I was to put it simply a very unhappy girl. My mom had cancer my dad had basically abandoned me, my sister and mom. I was just coming out of middle school where I spent the entire time being tortured by my fellow classmates. BSB (or my boys) as I call them gave me a safe place to be they got me through so much.They brought me some much needed comfort at a time when I was just treading water. Sometimes the only thing that made me feel okay was listening to their music.
I am aware that this may all sound incredibly cheesy but that doesn't make it any less true. When I was having a crap day which lets face was every day the only thing that brought any relief was some BSB blasting into my ears from the headphones attached to my disc man. (Come on you know what a disc man is right) I think music is something that most people will say they love on some level. It's not unbelievable when someone says that music moved them or touched them in some way big or small. BSB has done that for me and so much more these last 16 years. I found them at the beginning of my teenage years and so everything thing big or small that has happened to me in my life since has had what I consider to be the best soundtrack anyone could have. The happy times where made that much better thanks to them and the sad times the unhappy times where made tolerable thanks to them. 2013 is going to be a major year for my boys and I plan on being there watching it all go down cheering them on and loving every second of it.
Now on to the point of this post. It's to let you know a bit more about me and also so that you understand that when I said I would be talking about the Backstreet Boys I really meant it. And also because I love talking about them but I think my friends and family are just a bit tired of it (some of them have been around the whole time that's a long time) and I am not sure they appreciate my boys the way I do. Tomorrow is not a work day for me but I will be getting up early anyway because as it happens The Backstreet Boys will be on Good Morning America and I will be watching them with that same feeling I had back when I was only 14. I knew even then that I had come across something special something important in my life.
That's all for now. But just for now.
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