Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

This Tuesday's Topic Is
Top ten Favorite Romances
Thank you to The Broke and the Bookish for creating this meme for all of us to have a little fun with. Check them out they are awesome!

I am not a romantic in real life!! The idea of  romance makes  my skin crawl and  I almost break out in hives. However, when it comes to fictional romance/love I am all in. I love TV love,movie love, book love and, I love romantic love songs especially those sung by the Backstreet Boys!! So I was kind of excited when I saw that this weeks top ten Tuesday had a romantic theme.Even though I am so into fictional love I don't read a ton of books about love so I really had to think about these. This time around I'm counting them down in order.
Let's Go

 10.Nicholas Sparks Books
Nicholas Sparks is the closest I have ever come to a romance novel. I know his characters are often interchangeable (as in you can take one from one book and put him into another and never know the difference) but the man can write a romantic male character. The men are usually the strong silent type that just need a gorgeous amazing lady to get them to open up. They then fall totally and completely in love only to end up being torn apart by tragic but very romantic circumstances! Sometimes they find their way back to each other sometimes not but either way it's hella romantic! I can't explain it but Nicholas Sparks books make me all gushy inside.

 9.Dex and Rachel
Something Borrowed
Emily Giffin
OK so for the record in real life I think cheating is the lowest of the low. I despise cheaters and I feel like there is never ever a reason to cheat.  However in this book I feel differently. Dex and Rachel are meant to be and Darcy is standing in the way. Also Darcy doesn't even love Dex and she is a royal you know what to both Rachel and Dex. Anyway I love this opposites attract couple and they are just so cute. Sometimes you have to do a little cheating to find your one true love but only in books, or movies,or television shows never in real life.

8. Darcy and Ethan
Something Blue
Emily Giffin
So in Something Borrowed Darcy sucks like in a giant way but she redeems herself in Something Blue as characters in books often do. Ethan and Darcy pretty much can't stand each other in borrowed but like most great loves the end up realizing they love each other and live happily ever after. I have to question Ethan's common sense a little bit but I guess sometimes love doesn't make sense!

 7. Armand and Reine-Marie 
Inspector Gamache Series
Louise Penny
I dislike every single re-curing character in this series except for Armand and Reine-Marie. Without a doubt the people are cruel, rude, selfish, egotistical, whiny, cheating jerks yet I can't help but love this series. A big part of my love comes from Armand and Reine-Marie. They are so sweet to each other and even after years together and grown children they still truly enjoy each other. If I were to ever fall in love( it ain't gon happen) I want a man like Armand. 

 6. Finnick and Annie
Hunger Games Trilogy
Suzanne Collins 
Throughout most of Catching Fire everyone is pretty sure Finnick is a giant Dbag. However we come to find he is just another victim of the capitol and is actually a pretty good guy (as good as one can be in these circumstances) who is madly in love with a crazy girl. Finnick would literally do anything to save and protect Annie. 

5. Ma and Pa
The Little House Series
Laura Ingalls Wilder
I mean really what do I need to say. This is my first memory of book romantic love. I just love everything about these two. He brings home the bacon and she cooks it on the old wood burning stove Their love is easy and comfortable and everything love should be .What more could you want?

 4. Laurie and Amy
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
I know a lot of people think it was a travesty when Jo and Laurie didn't end up together but I am not one. I remember when I first read the book I thought Jo and Laurie were meant to be until I realized I was so wrong, Amy and Laurie come out of no where and bam! He is older than her but not in the creepy way and she, is a little bit spoiled but has a good heart it's amazing book love!

 3. Elinor and Edward
Sense and Sensibility
Jane Austen
I know Marianne is the romantic and Elinor is the practical one but I think that is why I love this romance! Elinor seems almost a bit cold and uninterested in love. She has to be level headed because no one else is and that is why when she falls for Edward you just know it's right.

Ok so now I am gonna go all cliche on you and pick 2 very predictable couples but these really are my favorite 2 romances I have ever read at least this far. I am going to rank them but to be honest they are basically interchangable.

2. Lizzie and Darcy
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
Oh man how I love these two. It's so romantic the hating each other first and then slowly realizing how much they actually love each other. I saw the 1995 miniseries way before I read the book and fell in love with them. When I read the book it just reaffirmed everything I loved about them and gave me new reasons to love them. I love stories about people from different classes loving each other so much that they overcome all the obstacles to be together.."Nothing but the deepest love will induce me into matrimony"  preach Lizzie! 

1. Allie and Noah
The Notebook
Nicholas Sparks
Seriously people seriously! So in this case I read the book and then saw the movie. I love them in the book and I love them in the movie. I know that in real life war is not romantic but in books it so is! The idea of the clothes and the big band music and the men in uniform that era is just swoon worthy. Here we have another story about rich meets poor and, we have the added benefit of years spent pining for each other and the backdrop of war. Absence makes the heart grow fonder y'all! What more could you possibly need or want in a romance? Plus the man basically builds her a house with his BARE HANDS!
You don't say no when a man builds you a house with his hands!

OK so that's all I got. I know a few of them are a bit cliche and been there done that but they are my favorites at least for now.

Until Next Time

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